Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19

Woo, what a day! It was hot & sunny, so we waited until evening to go out. After a long, arduous day of snoozing in the sunshine outside, & wagging her tail in her sleep inside, she hardly had any energy left over for our run.

 When we got home, she was not interested in my stalking her with the camera:

She just doesn't understand the demands of her public.

As I mentioned yesterday, thanks to the generosity of all the kind & generous people who have donated, we are within spitting distance of our $600 goal! As a special thank you, here is a video of Zoey drinking (read: spilling) water after our run tonight. I put the bowl on a rug that turns dark brown when it gets wet, so that you can get a sense of what a mess she makes as the water squirts out of her mouth & over the sides of the bowl, & then as it drains out of her underbite & missing teeth when she looks up.

Zoey says, "Hey I can't help it that I'm adorable. If we meet our goal early, there will be more of my cutenesses in store! Even more cutenesses if we beat the goal! Please donate!"

1 comment:

  1. So I think that maybe if you promised everybody one original, limited edition ZoeyLOL for donating, then, well, I'd be very happy, I mean you'd be sure to meet your goal!
    This jowl/nap one is my fave.
