Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 3

Today, Zoey was still a little skittish, so I kept it short again. Same 3 blocks' worth of jogging on the same one block, but today I really ran it because I wanted to give her a chance to work out some nervous energy she built up when the neighbor's dog barked at us again as we left the house. In terms of speed, think more like gallop than trot. By the third pass, she was panting & dragging behind me, but still putting in the effort. What a champ!

And as for myself, I was very surprised & excited to see that I could outlast her. These past couple years of commuting by bike has done wonders.

Back at home, after slurping some water, she immediately threw herself down on the cool kitchen floor:

For anyone aware that we're having freakish 80-degree weather here & concerned that I'm killing the dog or myself, don't worry -- I wait until the temperature has cooled down into the more normal 60's, & go out then.

As for progress on my fundraising, I am excited to report that I'm now 50% to my goal, thanks to a generous donation from Momma Arave! Thank you so much, Georganne!!!

Message from Zoey to everyone else: "If you donate to Lyon-Martin, I swear I'll eat my vegetables!"

1 comment:

  1. I keep coming back for the lol dog. Which I first typed as "lol god". Please do some of those, too.
    Go, Zoey, go!
